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Dec 20, 2016

Ebook: "Animations With Arduino UNO And NOKIA 3310 LCD"


1.    Introduction
2.    Hardware With Arduino UNO
3.    Software: How to put a photo on a NOKIA 3310 LCD With Arduino UNO
4.    Software: Code of an Animation With Arduino UNO
5.    Hardware And Software With Mega 2560
6.    Photographs
8.    Datasheet

"In this book we have solved the problem of creating digital animations with Arduino boards and the NOKIA 3310 LCD digital screen. The Arduino boards used were: Arduino UNO and MEGA 2560, the latter has more internal memory and therefore, we can create animations of longer duration. In this project I provide you with the program to convert your photographs into binary images, which will be used for our purposes."
The links of this Ebook are (available in KENP Read):

Free Projects:

Ebook: "Digital Bascule With Arduino UNO And FSR Sensor"


1.    Introduction
2.    Hardware
3.    Procedure to get the code
4.    Photographs
5.    Download
6.    Datasheet

"In this book we have solved the problem of creating a digital scale with the Arduino UNO board and an FSR force sensor. To achieve this goal, we have developed a procedure to calculate its formula, since the graph of this force sensor is linear in some segments. This project is apparently simple, but it is not like that, since I invested a lot of time to design its physical and mechanical structure in order to reduce the percentage of error in the measurements. I recommend you to do this project where you will use knowledge of hardware, software and mechanical design."
The links of this Ebook are:

Dec 17, 2016

Ebook: "Multimedia And Visual Basic 6"


1.    New Project
2.    Background Image
3.    Insert an Image
4.    Insert a Text
5.    Add Forms
6.    Create a Menu and a Submenu
7.    Create Animation
8.    Insert Audio and Video
"In this book we have developed a multimedia work developed with Visual Basic 6. This work tool is interesting for those who want to develop a multimedia work and work in an operating system such as Windows. Here we teach you how to put text, images, videos and animations that you can use to make for example audio books."
The links of this Ebook are (available in KENP Read):